Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If you know about my artwork, then you probably also know that I'm a (senior) graphic artist for Purdue University's independent newspaper, the Exponent. I jumped at the chance to work there at the beginning of the year and I'm absolutely amazed they put up with me. With sophomore year just weeks away there will be many more graphics in store, and will probably be posted as they come... But for those of you who missed out on all this, I have nearly every piece from last year messily bundled up into one easy-to-swallow JPEG.
Credits and kudos go out to Kate Frist, who excellently populated those Polaroids with my bullshit, Rachel Tobias, who provided that wicked border graphic what frames Rappin' Jesus and Rockin' Moses, and Charlene Choi, graphics desk extraordinaire, who probably spent too much of her own time putting me on the right track drawing these, making minor (and sometimes major) edits and suggestions, and teaching me more than a thing or two with Photoshit. Working with the graphics team is one helluva ball, and I look forward to the oncoming havoc of 2010-2011.

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