Saturday, June 16, 2012


What it is, poopgoers!

I come bearing bad news and good news. It brings me much mixed feelings to do so, but the Poop Conveyor Belt you see here is going to be shut down, its myriad of turds to gather dust in the mighty machine. The climate of the internet is changing, and Blogspot seems to alienate people more than anything (unless you happen to be famous or on BS for the past several years), which does not bode well for my hopes to whore myself out for money anytime soon.

You can probably tell where this is going.

As much as I dislike Tumblr for all sorts of reasons, it's taken off for the world in the same way Livejournal did years back for twelve-year-olds. I still don't like it very much, but then again, I really don't like what they've done to this new-entry layout on Blogspot, and I don't want to shell out for/deal with Wordpress. And to hell with DeviantArt, that's why I started a blog in the first place. What is a finicky artist to do?

This Tumblr thing might just blow up in my face and I'll return here, smoldering and swearing through my chipped and missing teeth. Don't remove those bookmarks yet, the five of you! In the meantime, look to the shiny, stupid, simple new blog for more art and bullshit.

Max out!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Like always, I can't stick to a schedule. But the winds of change are a'blowin', and there might be some pretty diverse activity going on the Poop Conveyor Belt.

Many may now know it yet, but I've switched majors for the last time, and am finally playing to my strengths in German and technical writing. Given the workload for both, I've been doing substantially more writing than drawing since the semester started, on top of finally composing an article for Hardcore Gaming 101, which you may soon see on the site in the next month or so. That said, I may start posting written content on the PCB as well, just to keep a consistent pencil-thin shitlet dragging before your eyes.

No promises, though, for I am just an old man, plus me balls are saggy.

In the meantime, I can dump the sparse selection of doodles that have happened since... Jesus, October or so. It's less than it should be.

Back when I was in Linguistics we wouldn't turn in our homework until after we'd discussed it, and for some reason one of the freshies couldn't wrap their mind around syntax. This happened.

Some time later, I got restless again and ended up discovering that the teacher was masterfully cultured.

Some sketch of Zero from when I tore through Mega Man X4-X5 last fall.

It's Gene! Olivia played through God Hand recently, and subsequently developed an acute admiration for that violent putz. It's been a while since I pulled some fanart for the masterpiece, more might follow.

Over break, the missus and I engaged in the DnDs with a group of her friends, the name of the game being random rolls for everything. My character was a chaotic-good hobgoblin fighter, dubbed Princess Consuela. About as smart as a bag of used diapers, you can imagine.

Olivia wound up with Calaghy, some sort of lawful-evil girl with gills, I forget the race, but she had the capacity to summon some sort of familiar. Poor broad had the lowest intelligence in the group, and was thus impressed by absolutely everything.

Oh, shit, sons, we also got into League of Legends over Thanksgiving break! I've grown very fond of the fattest and sassiest champion of all.

Bush killed my pappy

Foci of ours as of late, Ziggs and Riven.

A little bit of Cave Story fanart following my recent completion of Cave Story + (Did the Mimiga Mask playthrough first, of course). Also, a rare streak of invention that will change the face of plumbing forever.

Niel was in desperate need of some refinement when I noticed I could scarcely draw his face/hair consistently. More details and shit GET, next I'll polish up my other aesthetically ambiguous monsters, like Nell, Greg, and Colleen.

I punctuate this update with a skeptical Chuck. Schoenen Tag noch, meine Damen und Herren!