Monday, July 11, 2011


Ahoy, there, unclefuckers! Short update here to assure that I have not just fallen off the face of the internet, it's just been a pretty lazy, non-Expo-fueled summer, and a lot of what I have drawn will probably never make it onto the blogroll. But! Hey! Let me show you my Pokemans.

Sometime a few weeks ago, a pal and I were passively talking about how horrible and uninspired the later generation Pokemon were in comparison to the original 151, and, to a lesser extent, the G/S brigade. Eventually that old-fart reminiscing snowballed into mild interest in rekindling our Pokefever of youth, and decided that the (somewhat) recent re-makes, LeafGreen and FireRed, would be an amusing diversion.

Within a few sessions, we were logging HOURS on the damn games on a daily basis. Suddenly talking about the little monsters that lived in our balls became a daily, normal, enthusiastic thing, and we'd flip through pages about attacks and items with abandon on Bulbapedia. Within days, a third bastard of the posse had fallen for the series and its grindy wiles, and even my lovely girlfriend, who swore off the series forever in boiling frustration, returned to the retarded fray.

 As things stand, I have a solid six members of my awful parade of critter fuckshittery that isn't about to change anytime soon, mostly because they're arguably the derpiest Pokemon of the entire cast...

Here we have... ANUS PARTY the Exeggutor, CUNTFRYER the Electrode, DIABETES the Pidgeot, HEPATITIS the Porygon, BUTT HOLE the Magmar, and CH'DING (Not my doing, I traded for him and the goddamn Name Rater won't lemme change it) the Farfetch'd. The drawing itself was more of an awful, impatient midnight sketch than a premier effort, but my friends enjoyed the honest terribadness enough to warrant not tossing it. I'll probably tackle the idea again with much more vigor at a later date. There are much more important things to draw first.

A more comprehensive, if embryonic, look at ANUS PARTY, scrawled out in mere minutes while eating with Olivia. Not too proud of it, but content is content!
And there is the mighty BUTT HOLE, rising superstar of the team. He poops to see.

What follows is a special treat from Olivia herself! She took the liberty of fleshing out her own Pikachus in spectacular fashion.

This would be SYPHILIS, quite possibly the most mentally challenged Vulpix to ever grace thirty-two bits. Up until learning Flamethrower, she would display her rampant ineptitude unabashedly, missing all sorts of attacks and relying on save states after confusing an opposing Pokemon to do any damage whatsoever.

Here she is paired with CLIT RING, an uncontested badass powerhouse of the team, caught in the midst of the novel double battle. Awww, she's helping!

Just in case you were wondering, when she evolved, she retained every iota of retardation.

That's all for tonight, folks! I'll be back... Whenever!