Monday, February 21, 2011


Oh, yeah, I have an artblog, don't I?

Been pretty busy between school, private artsy projects, and driving home every goddamn weekend this month, so there ain't that much fun. But, hey, have a cuntload of graphics and sketches while you wait for some more good stuff!
 A quick and dirty lil' graphic (pretty sure it didn't actually run) about the class of 2015. Nothin' fancy.
 It's Pete, looking pensive and critical! Olivia wanted it in a bit of a broken-up style, which was hard for me to emulate digitally, but the end result still pleased her and the writer, so hooray! Also, finally, a graphic that I didn't have to color!
 Mr. Morrison, a professor here at Perdoo, who teaches a class concerning the history of rock and roll. Wonder if he knows much about Wesley Willis?
 Graphic for a Mystery Dinner event they hold at the Union. Deceit on the Nile was the theme, and I dunno what the fuck, I just did what I was told. Somehow got nominated for Coverage of the Week, a bit of a spotlight thing for staff members, and something I've actually managed to claim before. People LIKE this stuff, go figure!
Old man, losin' some generic check. Forgot what the article was for, but you can still laugh at his financial misfortune.
 Shermie somehow came up in the subject of my doodles recently. Despite being sexier'n balls I appreciate her more for being one of the select few female grapplers in all of fighting game-dom.

Okay, maybe I appreciate her just as much for having the biggest tits in KOF.
 Big ol' Incan-inspired head for a pal's DnD campaign. Completely bullshitted because I didn't pay attention in history class, like, ever.
 A new breed of Space Elf, from the demented minds of Cory and Jenny. The latter has her own artblog now, so spread the love, motherfucks.
And lastly, a contraption of some sort for a comrade who really gets his rocks off to locomotives. While I consider myself terrible at machinery, this came out just lovably derpy enough to share.

That's all for tonight, bitches and gentlemen! I'll be back soon with more crap.